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Whether you're a history freak or a casual observer - We all love to learn. WAR DADDY seeks to quench your thirst for knowledge with something a touch more engaging then just an authoritative voice talking from the void… 


With bombastic style, WAR DADDY strikes this stagnant genre with a lightning bolt of new life. We don’t just talk at you about a battle - We strap you into the cockpit and dive you straight into the hell-storm of enemy fire. Our tactic is learning by immersion - Getting you as close to the action as you’d ever wanna be.  WAR DADDY is an experience.


From camp-fire-style suspense to the screaming peaks of a blockbuster movie, our stories grip the listener by the belt buckle and don’t let go. Characters are brought to life by skilled Voice Actors - Their war-cries echoing across a thundering battlefield soundscape and backed by a film-worthy original score. It’s a formula designed to let our listener live and die from the first person perspective. 


More than just analysis and historical exploration - 

WAR DADDY is a sonic thrill ride, not for the feint of heart.


All Episodes available NOW on Spotify, iTunes and SoundCloud.


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TheWarDaddyPodcast© 2018

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